Mark Anxious - Allen And Heath DB2 Showcase 2011

Artist: Mark Anxious
Title: DB2 Showcase
Format: MP3 Download
Record Date: November 2011
In November, Mark was privileged to be one of a select few to have beta tested (both in the studio and the first ever time in a UK club) the new Allen & Heath Xone DB2 mixer. Here is a showcase of the awesome power of the Xone DB2.
The Xone DB2 exploits the potential of digital mixer technology to bring you maximum DJ creativity in a stylish, accessible and affordable format. A key feature that Mark explored was the ground-breaking studio quality FX engines. Using the Xone DB2 he produced this mix and pushed the DB2 through its paces - demonstrating it's extreme power.
Download from Soundcloud HERE:
1) Terence Fixmer 'Le Terrible (Terence Fixmer Tool)' (Edlx)
2) Brian Sanhaji 'Ultima Ratio (Pfirter Remix)' (Ego Ton)
3) Reeko 'Empirical Science' (Unknown)
4) Terence Fixmer 'Le Terrible (Original Mix)' (Edlx)
5) Lorino 'Dark Planet' (Unreleased)
6) Virgil Enzinger 'Sub Voice (Sven Wittekind Rmx)' (Unknown)
7) Ryuji Takeuchi 'Heart Beats Solid (Original Mix)' (Unknown)
8) Deh-Noizer 'Adapted (Rene Walther Remix) (Unknown)
9) Shkuric 'Unavailable' (Unknown)
10) Luiz Ruiz 'Hard Like Bronze' (Forthcoming On Blackout Audio)
11) Luiz Ruis 'Engraving' (Forthcoming On Blackout Audio)
12) Luis Ruiz And Andreas Florin 'Conscience' (Unknown)
13) Dj Ogi 'Kapa' (Forthcoming On Techno Factory 002)
14) Dj Ogi 'Dark Star' (Unreleased)
15) I1 Ambivalent 'Diptera' (Unreleased)
16) Andreas Florin 'Berlin Mitte' (Luis Ruiz Remix)